Sorry for being more than quiet here, (try non existent!)
It’s just that I’ve been having such a fantastic time here in Oz, I‘m trying to make the most of being here.
Not to mention the weight loss has taken a back seat while I’m here.
I’ve got a week left before I’m plunged back into the cold land of the UK and reality, so I‘m trying to make the most of it.
If only the rain would stop!!
In some ways I could totally move back here, and fit into my old life so easily, and in other ways I can’t wait to get back to the UK.
I’ve definitely enjoyed having my car again.
It’s just so easy to get places, none of this waiting for a bus that never comes.
It’s also useful in getting to the gym, and pool, and anywhere else I want to get to.
I think I’ve managed to do more exercise with the car than without, which surprises me.
There’s no excuse why I can’t go half way across town to the gym, when it takes less than 10mins in the car and you’re there!
I love the outdoor lifestyle you get in Australia., I miss it.
I’ve been trying to make the most of it as much as I can, getting out there and enjoying the sunshine, since that‘s almost non existent in the UK.
There’s this walk I used to do all the time when I was living here.
It’s about a 7km round trip around the Nepean River and the scenery is so stunning especially this time of year.
It’s just beautiful at the moment, with the smell of jasmine in the air, and the beautiful purple jacaranda's, almost everywhere you look .
It just screams Spring!
Not to mention getting out in the Blue mountains, and stomping through the bush (my second home!)
I love walking amongst the native plants, the UK has nothing on a Banksia!
I’ve spent heaps of time reacquainting myself with old haunts, and I love it.
Another thing I can’t get enough of is summer fruits. Yum
They’re definitely something I always took for granted when I was living here.
Fresh cherries warmed in the sun, strawberries that give your tastes buds tiny little orgasms when you bite into them, juicy watermelon on a summers day, and not to forget mango’s..
oh how I’ve missed thee.
I’m not looking forward to leaving next week, but at the same time It’ll be good to get back to reality and into a routine again…
Not to mention having money coming in as opposed to going out in droves!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Still here
Friday, November 13, 2009
I've been trying to find a post on Philippa's blog. It was something along the lines of not waiting for everything to be perfect to lose weight, but to just do it. Along the lines of what I posted yesterday.Remember the old saying, fake it till you make it?
Maybe the key to success is just doing it, afterall dont they say it takes 21 days to form a habit? So, if you "just do it" for 21 days, you'll have formed a new habit. Oh, so easy!! Lol
If you were to focus on changing one thing, and doing it for 21 days, what would it be?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
To be successful
Im in Brisbane this week, at a work conference.
Today our keynote speaker was Phil Jauncey. He is a performance psychologist, with 4 degrees.
His presentation was obviously not intended for weight loss, but could so easily be applied to weight loss.
Check out the video his website (from 1:34 mins) (scroll to the bottom of the page)
Ok, here's my notes from today.
Success is not dependent on:
Basically he was saying these things alone will not make you successful, and they are not excuses for not being successful. Eg: you wont lose weight by being motivated, instead you need to eat right and exercise (put simply), and vice versa, saying I cant lose weight because Im not motivated is not an excuse.
Alrighty, so now we have Phil's 6 steps to success.
Step 1: assess what am I doing now?
Step 2: is it working?
Step 3:
a) if it's working, dont change
b) it it's not working, change
If you need to change, follow steps 4 to 6
Step 4: be specific with your goals, be clear about what you want to achieve and be able to see it
Step 5: make a plan
Step 6: act on it
Pretty simple....
Last up, reasons why we fail:
1. you dont know WHAT to do
2. you dont know HOW to do it
3. you dont have the resources to do it (ABILITY)
4. you dont want to (CHOICE)
He also spoke about "positive doing" instead of "positive thinking".
He has a few books, which Im adding to my wishlist.
Hopefully that all made some sense.
A little example, if you dont FEEL like getting out of the bed in the morning to exercise, what do you do?? His response, get out of bed! JUST DO IT!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
It's been awhile
What can I say...
Remember that goal of going without chocolate for the 6 week challenge that I had?
I made it a few days...
It kind of came crashing down when multiple 1kg boxes of chocolates hit the department...
Seriously, you try to avoid those tiny, tempting little packets of foil, especially when you're having a shocker of day!
I'm not giving up on it completely though, I'm going to try again in the new year.
Yesterday was my last day in Leeds.
I'm actually really sad that I'm leaving them.
It's the longest job I've had in the last 3 years, and I loved everybody in their own way.
It's definitely been a week of social outings, & catching up with everyone before I go.
I did try choose the healthy option most of the time.
Though there was a fair amount of booze flowing last night, too many free drinks from people (not that I was complaining!).
And I left in style...
By falling bum first out of a car!
(I'm all class!)
Needless to say, I don't recommend having to pack when you're hungover, it's not a very pretty sight.
But I managed to pack my life of 2 years into my pack, and a small carry on & boy was it heavy!
I even got the whole tingly sensations down my arms after about 30mins of carrying it, which can't be good.
Being overweight is like having to carry that pack around, day in and day out, never being able to put it down.
I'm off back to Oz tomorrow night, and while I'm not planning to be 100% good while I'm home. I can't wait to get back to my old gym, and go swimming at the beach/pool. So hopefully things will even each other out.
See you on the flip side!