Friday, November 13, 2009


I've been trying to find a post on Philippa's blog. It was something along the lines of not waiting for everything to be perfect to lose weight, but to just do it. Along the lines of what I posted yesterday.

Remember the old saying, fake it till you make it?

Maybe the key to success is just doing it, afterall dont they say it takes 21 days to form a habit? So, if you "just do it" for 21 days, you'll have formed a new habit. Oh, so easy!! Lol

If you were to focus on changing one thing, and doing it for 21 days, what would it be?


Ali said...

I think she deleted it a while back.
But there's this one


Ali said...
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Ali said...


Ali said...

sorry, didn't seem to like the long url.

Kristy Burgess said...

Thanks Ali

I was searching the new blog. I'll have another look later. Dont you hate when you cant something?! I know she didnt put all the old posts back up though.

Ali said...

i think she's still got them, I'll ask

Ali said...

nah she doesn't have one, but she's going to write a whole new post about it for you!

Kristy Burgess said...

Wow, that's lovely, but really not necessary. It may have been somewhere else I read.

My Sexy is Overweighted... said...

that 21 day thing is a good start for me...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for popping my by my blog Kristy and being my 1st follower.

Okay, I'll do 21 days with you, I'd like to start off by making drinking 2 litres of water a day a habit.

Vodka Tonic said...

I found this link from Anonymouses site:) I will def aim to drink 2 lires of water a day and do atleast 30mins exercise

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