Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reasons to lose weight (aka why I hate being overweight)

I've seen a few of these lists posted around blogland, so I thought I'd share my list today.

Here we go:

* aching feet and sore knees
* feeling like Im in my 60's instead of my 30's (my parents are in their 50's and they are so much healthier and fitter than me)
* worrying about whether I'll fit in a chair (armrests are becoming a nightmare!)
* squeezing into the biggest size in plus size shops
* not fitting between the armrests on the plane seats
* being the odd one out at family gathering (everyone else is healthy)
* feeling awkward
* always being the fattest person wherever I go
* avoiding social events
* having people not recognise me because I have gained so much weight

I'll add to this as I think of more.

PS. I found the remote, so my updated stat's are:
Week 1: 2kg loss
Week 2: 1.6kg loss
Week 3: 100gm gain
Week 4: 1.7kg gain

Total loss: 1.8kg


#fatfreefloozy said...

OMG! I am so very happy to see/hear from you again!! It IS like the good old days babe and we r back to where we started crazily enough! But we might just get there this time - I've got a feeling!

Kate @ Loving Life said...

They all sound like perfect reasons to get to goal... we can do it!!!!!!!!

Ali said...

My fear when flying is that I won't be able to do the seat belt up.
I've had to fight the belt a few times.. hopfully that's going to remain one of those awful memories from now on

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